The Dark Side of Business Ownership
There is a dark side to business ownership that few talk about. The reality is that mental health issues for business owners are a real problem. Learn More…
Choose What is Better
Learn why taking regular time to listen to God is better than any other activity we can engage in this life.
The Emotional Price Business Owners Pay When Their Business is Failing
No one said building a company is easy. But small business owners find it difficult to be honest about how brutal it really can be and the emotional price so many of them secretly pay.
Justice is Never Enough
Family members in family businesses suing each other is not uncommon. In the last couple of years, I’ve run across several situations in which family members sue each other for various reasons.
Get Off the Hedonic Treadmill to Find True Fulfillment
One of the things I have noticed about wealthy individuals is that while their wealth gives them comforts and conveniences, it does not make them any more happy than those without wealth. In fact, sometimes, their wealth weighs them down with worry and anxiety: they are afraid of losing their wealth and are anxious because they rarely feel they have enough money. They always want ‘just a little bit more.’
Don’t Kid Yourself: Family, Business, and Faith are All Connected
Because of the power top-tier leaders hold in a business, it is clear that their health or dysfunction will be imprinted onto the company. The results of this imprintation will be seen as a business problem to solve rather than an individual problem the leader needs to address.